
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Recycling Yarn

Have you ever fallen in love with a color or combination of colors and started something knowing it is not just quite right, but you crochet on just because you want to crochet? Long sentence, glad I am typing. Well, I have. Last year I fell in love with the color combination of pink, green and white. Found the right shades, yarn and thought I found the right pattern. I got the afghan 3/4 done and set it aside.
Last week I was going through Pinrest and stumbled across a pattern that was just perfect for the colors I had found. I made a swatch and it is glorious. My husband pulled the first afghan apart for me and thought I was crazy, but once I told him it saved me from going out to buy more he was happy. I told him I was recycling. Have you ever done this?

It is slow going as I am very busy right and really only get to crochet at night. But it is so pretty. See photos. You can see my Pinterest "Crochet I Love"

 Russ so enjoys taking my stuff apart.

The new pattern is coming out well.

Pattern can be found at Red Heart

Flowers in a row pattern